
Things to consider when setting up your own entity

December 7, 2023

Things to consider when setting up your own entity
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When expanding your business internationally and considering setting up your own legal entity overseas, there are numerous compliance challenges that you must navigate. This guide will explore the four key compliance areas critical to this process: legal and regulatory compliance, financial compliance, employment laws, and data protection and privacy. We'll also discuss how Employer of Record (EOR) services can provide solutions to these challenges.

1. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Setting up an entity in a foreign market requires strict adherence to local corporate, labor, and tax laws, as well as business licensing requirements. Laws and regulations are often subject to change, necessitating ongoing diligence to ensure compliance. For most companies, the primary challenge is the lack of local legal expertise in all countries of operation, posing significant non-compliance risks. For instance, the Netherlands has made working from home a legal right, with similar laws expected in the UK through the Flexible Working Act. Mexico plans to increase minimum wages by 20% in January 2024. Non-compliance can lead to fines, legal complications, damaged brand reputation, or even business closure and criminal liability.

2. Financial Compliance

Companies must ensure financial compliance with local tax laws, adhere to local accounting standards, and ensure accurate financial reporting. Understanding and meeting tax obligations, such as income tax and VAT, can be complex. Maintaining ongoing payroll and tax compliance can vary within a single country, necessitating the hiring of local experts to ensure compliance.

3. Employment Laws

Hiring local talent requires compliance with applicable local laws, including minimum wages, working hours, statutory benefits, termination policies, and intellectual property rights. Administering payroll, benefits, and contributions in line with local regulations requires understanding specific guidelines for each country of operation. Misclassification of employees as independent contractors can lead to severe penalties.

4. Data Protection and Privacy

Navigating diverse data protection laws across regions is a significant challenge. The GDPR in Europe, for example, requires robust data protection measures. Ensuring data security against cyber threats is crucial.

How Employer of Record (EOR) Services Can Help

EOR services specialize in understanding the legal complexities of establishing business operations in new countries. They offer expertise in local regulations, ensuring your entity adheres to legal requirements and significantly reducing your exposure to risks related to employment laws.

Benefits of Using EOR Services Include:

  • Legal Expertise: EORs provide knowledge of local laws and regulations, ensuring your entity's compliance.
  • Financial Compliance: EORs manage accurate tax calculations, deductions, and filings, minimizing the risk of tax-related penalties.
  • Employment Law Compliance: EORs assist in creating compliant employment contracts and manage payroll and benefits in accordance with local laws.
  • Data Protection: EORs ensure compliance with local data protection regulations and implement cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data.


The complexity of establishing and managing a legal entity abroad is significant, with numerous legal, financial, and regulatory challenges. Partnering with an EOR can provide a faster route to market entry, ensuring compliance and allowing your business to focus on growth and expansion. By leveraging EOR services, businesses can mitigate the risks associated with international expansion, streamline operations, and unlock new markets with confidence.